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SCOOBY DOO DOJIN #9 Velma's Blog !!!!


Velma's Blog Choose your own ending


or go below and read the story with pix
and choose your own velma's blog fate.

#Opening~ #A~ #B~ #C~#The List~ #D
#Economics~ #Library~ #Health~ #Advanced calculus ~#English~
#Mascot ~#Boys' Gym Class~ #A Science Class~#Back to P.E.

Story and art by Doc Icenogle made December 2005
Posted November 30, 2006

Please let me know how you liked the story and art leave a note in the Forum or Guestbook.

Velma's Blog:




Public Blog

How I found myself in the class that had started all my problems once more is very strange.

Mrs. Starf and I spent a pleasant enough day. And after class I found that she was still very positive about wanting me and Kelly and her to be friends.
And once again invited me over for the a fun sleep over.

Personal Blog

When I finished cleaned the locker room and shower stalls Mrs. Starf ask for me to have a seat in her office with her.

What I would like to say Velma is I would still like very much to have you come over for a sleep over with Kelly and me.
We can have all sorts of fun.
But first how are you handling your new position at the school?

Are you still having any problems with you exposing yourself to the other students from the other day?

Why don't we chat about it now if you like.

Well I think I am over it now Mrs.Starf.

Personally Velma I think I would like to have a nice talk with you about it myself.

As I am a your teacher and a woman I really know we can make this something that we can both learn from and even possibly make to our benefit.

Now I have to admit it was something of a bummer when it had happen Mrs.Starf.
But I am well over it now.
These last few days have made me look at things in a ways I would have never thought before.

Really well that is wonderful.
But for my own peace of mind I would like to make sure.

She reached into her drawer in her desk and pulled from them a pair of pink school bloomers.
In was in fact the same pink bloomers I was wearing when I had riped them.

I saved these for this occasion Velma when you would be in my class as my assent.
Put them on please.

No I think I better not.

Well I ask you Velma.
Now I am telling you.

Whoow! Jinkies!

You are getting a little hostile there.
I will put them on if it mans so much to you.

Velma slipped the bloomer on and tugged them under her pleated brown skirt and then raised it to show Mrs Starf.

Take off the skirt velma.

I cant see why you need me to take it off.
But I will if it will get this over faster.

You still have on your panties on Velma.

Well Jinkies yes if I had took them off my naughty bits would be showing like they had before.

How would that make you feel Velma if they where?

Well Jinkies it would be embarrassing to say the least.

Maybe even a little exciting as well Velma?

Would it make you feel sexy to know you where showing your pussy and ass off for me to see?

Knowing I could see you and wanting you?

Well Jinkies!

Maybe a little I guess....

Mrs Starf came over to Velma and hugged her and looked her in the eyes.

Velma do you think I am attractive?

Velma looked away and blushed.


Velma whispered.

I find you very attractive as well.

Maybe so but you know it is not normal for this sort of thing to happen.
I mean jinkies!
We are both girls and well you are older and my teacher, and well what would you think of me as well as what would I think of myself if we was to do what I think you are saying to me.

I know Velma and I want you to know it is alright with me. And I am here to see if I can make these feelings more clear for you. I want to ease your confusion and make things more clear for you. That is why I would like to have you as a guest for a sleep over with Kelly and me.
As Kelly and myself tend to have our own feeling like yourself I think that we could not only help you but you could do the same for us.

But first lets see just how deep these urges are with you. Follow me over to the massage table Velma. Now climb on and lay on your tummy.

Let me massage you a little and get you to relax a little. As well as have our chat about how somethings in life are not always as they seam.
There are things in life we want and never know it until someone points them out to us.
And I would like to make it a more easy and clear choice for you. After all I have done a lot of things over the years that I found very enjoyable and I maybe able to offer you some suggestions as well.

As she talked to Velma she rubbed her back and knitted the flesh. She had started at her neck but she was now at her bottom and was pressing hard into the full cheeks and slipping the fingers between her thighs and brushing them on her crotch.

Hows it feel to have me massage you Velma?

I have to say it feels so nice.
I could stay here all night with you doing this.

I am happy to hear you say that Velma.

Would you lift your bottom so I can massage your legs better.

Velma pushed her bottom back at Mrs Starf.

No Velma lift it where you are on all 4's.
there now that is better.
What a nice way to spend and evening with a friend getting a nice rubdown.
Maybe you could massage me some day as well Velma?

Sure I would be happy to return the favor.

As Mrs starf watched Velma's ass wave in the air she dug her fingers into the meaty thighs.
Then brought them back to the fat cheeks as she now took hold of them she parted them and squeezed the cheeks hard. The panties Velma had on where wet in the crotch and the polka dotted cotton panties in this position where making a nice pressed mold of Velmas plump pussy lips.

What a shame you have to have these old panties on Velma I could massage you so much better with out them in the way.


I think we better not do that.
I mean....

You don't want to have me look at your pussy do you Velma?

Like when everyone seen it when you split your shorts.
Well you know they all seen you.
And I think you liked it.
You wanted them to see your pussy and you know it.

NO I....

Come on you can not tell me that shit.

Why your panties are so tight now there almost splitting at the crotch.
Why not ask me to take them off for you?

And I can massage it for you.


No I cant say that.

Maybe not.

But you want too say it.
Velma come on ask me.

No I cant really.

Well maybe I should not ask you and take them off Velma right here.
Velma you know this is probably what you wanted all this time in the first place.
Isn't it?

I should have done this when you first ripped your gym shorts and saved all these problems.

Velma Dinkley I can see just what sort of a girl you really are.
When I did my best to talk you into playing along with me.
I should have been taking what I wanted from you.


You have me all wrong I simply do not want to be rude to you.
Let me off this table and we can talk more about it.

As Velma moved to get off the massage table Mrs Starf held her in place where she was.
Velma looked at her and frowned.

I would like off now

. You stay where you are at.
Like you are told.

No you cant do this to me.

Oh I think I can.

Now I want your ass back where you had it.







Ok ok!

Velma took the position again.
Velma was starting to sweat now.

Now where was I?
Oh Yes!
The panties.
Well Velma they have to go right now.

The question is how?

Lets see to take them off you would have to take off the gym shorts as well as stand up.
So I think I well tear them off.


No I need them for when I leave.
I have my friends I have to meet soon.
And there new as well.

You also forgot there very ugly and old fashion.

Well I will make it up to you and buy you something a little more fitting for such a lovely ass this week end when you come to my house I think maybe a nice thong for you.

She ran a finger along Velma's nice ass crack.

Yes and I will take you shopping will Kelly and you can bend over in the stores and show the boys your nice ass and the way your asshole will peek from around the thong as well as they can see your nice fat pussy lips as well.

Yes I think that would be nice.

Mrs Starf took the crotch band and started to pull at it.

Well they are a tough as they are ugly.

Her Coach huffed and then leaned in and took the crotch in her teeth and chewed at the crotch band and secured a small hole.
She then smiled and slipped in a finger and yanked at it hard.
And Velma's panties now had a bigger hole, and she then slipped in another now that it would fit and pulled again and the patines responded with a loud tearing sound that filled the room as they ripped open.
Velma was fully exposed and now there was only a matter of pulling away the remains of her tattered panties.

Oh it is so sweet and yummy looking Velma I have to have a taste.

Velma whimpered as she lapped at the lips of her fat pussy.

Once she had done this she looked at Velma's asshole and smiled and then Smelled it.

She thought a few seconds.

And then gave it a lick.

Velma jumped.

You like that don't you?

Well once we get it washed up and more palatable you will ge a lot more of that.

Velma was a little embarassed at the comment.

Was her dirty hole really stinky?

Well it was not like she had ask her to lick it.
It was not her fault if it was not as clean as she had wanted it.
She had a lot of things she had to do that day and she was sweaty.
Mrs. Starf was now looking at her asshole as it was puckering at her.

Ok one more lick.

She licked Velma's asshole and then rubbed it and slipped in a finger.

You like that?

You like your ass fucked?

She slipped in another.
and started to try to force the hole open.
You know I have toys for this at home.

I have some really nice butt plugger's I will have to show you. They are in fact some that you will find will stretch this sweet shithole for you as big as any man and bigger.

As she did this to her Velma's pussy was now flowing it's cream all over her thighs and onto the towel on the massage table.
She could not help it.

Velma you better get dressed and ready for your friends.

I don't want to keep you from them.

When me you and Kelly spend this weekend together there will be plenty for us to try and do and I don't want to rune it for us.
I only wanted to offer you a taste of what we can do.
You may say to set the mood and let you in on only a sample of what you have to look forward too.

And I can tell by the way you where responding we are in for a lot more then only one weekend together from now on.

Not all options lead onward. Some maybe dead ends if so go back
and choose another fate there are 14 more options/parts in all to the story.


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