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SCOOBY DOO DOJIN #9 Velma's Blog !!!!


Velma's Blog Choose your own ending


or go below and read the story with pix
and choose your own velma's blog fate.

#Opening~ #A~ #B~ #C~#The List~ #D
#Economics~ #Library~ #Health~ #Advanced calculus ~#English~
#Mascot ~#Boys' Gym Class~ #A Science Class~#Back to P.E.

Story and art by Doc Icenogle made December 2005
Posted November 30, 2006

Please let me know how you liked the story and art leave a note in the Forum or Guestbook.

Velma's Blog:




Public Blog

Well today I was going to be in the class of Professor Dangle's.
In the study of Advance Calculus.
Our classes went by very smoothly and I felt a certain reward out of helping out the other students in the class.

In fact it was a lot of fun.

Personal Blog

Then at the end of the day Professor Dangle ask if I would like to say after school and help him out on a equation he had been working on for years now and never had any luck solving the equation.

Of course I agreed and thrilled that I would be able to help in such and important find in this field.
Well Professor Dangle got up and locked the door to his class room and taped a peace of cardboard over the slanted window there.
Next he pulled all of the shades on the windows.
I found this a little odd, But thought he probably need to make sure no other people could see what his fractions where that he had spent so long working on.
Then he walked over to a closet and removed a blanket and a pillow and placed them on his desk.
Now I was starting to wounder what this was all about and getting a little nerves about it.

He then removed his blazer and loosened his tie.

Please remove your lower garments Velma if you would be so kind?


I don't know what sort of girl you think I am Professor but I am not some sort of floosy I will have you know.

I know exactly what sort of girl you are Velma. I read the report's made from Mrs. Starf and Bigdicker.

As well as I remember you from my own classes and you are just what sort of person I need to help in my studies.

A woman who is of exceptional IQ and who is bold enough to be open minded to new and unique challenges.

As Dangle finished removing the last of his clothing and sat them on his easy chair.
His penis was hard and sticking right out in front of him.
I had never seen one in real life before but I knew that this one was huge. It was at least 8 inches long.

I removed my skirt and panties.

Very nice.

He said and walked over to me.
He towered over my five foot frame and looked down at me and smiled.

Now please take a position on the desk like a good girl he said.

And as I did he patted my bottom.
He then had me lay on my side on the desk with my bottom pointed back to him.
He took out from his desk a large jar of Vaseline and then handed me a peace of chalk.

Take this down please.

As I was next to the chalk board.

Will the angle of the dangle = the mass of the ass?

Jinkies! Professor this sound like you are going to try and stick that big thingy of yours up my bottom.

As he looked at me he chuckled and said.

You are a nice and clever girl Velma that is just what I am going to do.

Oh Jinkies!

I cant do this!

But of course you can.

It is just something you have not done yet is all.

He opened the Vaseline and scooped out the Vaseline and began to massage it around my asshole.
Yes that felt so good when he did this to me.
But it still was not right for him to do it to me.

No we cant do it.

It is not right.

When in the field of science Velma we can not always do what we feel is right.

So please do your best to relax as much as you can.

He then slipped in a finger.


What a sexy bottom you have Velma.

And I know you like the way my finger feels in your ass.

Yes I like it a lot but I still don't think this is right.

Velma was starting to sweat now her pussy was getting very wet.
As she watched him her hole was now being lubed with 2 fingers and she pushed her ass back to him.
He then removed his fingers and placed the head of his dick to her asshole and began to push.



I cant take that in my bottom.

It is way to big.

Relax Velma do as you are told.

No stop it right now.

Velma made her effort to get up to show she did not want to have this go any farther.
But Dangle only pined her back in place and continued to push.

You can not do this to me.

Velma clinched her cheeks tight and pulled away from him.

When she did this dangle slapped her ass hard.

Open up your ass.


He slapped her again.

I said open your ass and relax.

She pouted and then relaxed her ass more for him.

He cupped the cheek that was off the desk and yanked it open ruffle and placed the head back onto the hole and pushed.
Velma whimpered and tried her best to relax.

Try and fart Velma.

Are you silly I am now going to fart.

Mr.Dangle looked at her.

Ok Ok!

Velma then farted for him.


Then the head popped into her ass.


That hurts!

Stop it.

Dangle only slapped her ass again and pushed in even more.

After several more slaps and pushes he was now balls deep in her ass.
He now stopped and let her get use to the idea.


That was not nice at all Professor.
That really hurt my ass.

But how is it now Velma?

Well now that it is in and you have stopped it does not hurt any more.
But it feels so weird.
I feel so full like I have to poop.

Well don't worry about that you wont be doing any pooping with this in your ass.

With this he pulled his dick out of her ass and the pink asshole rolled out and followed his dick.


Jinkies! Easy!

That feels so weird the way it is coming out like a huge warm turd.

With this he now slid back in and Velma clawed the pillow.

Oh that still is not very nice though.

Now you need to relax more.

He told her to try to fart and that would help.

And she did and it did make it more easy.
As he fucked she would push back like she was farting and forced herself to relax and soon his dick was fucking in her nice and hard her ass was now taking it with some ease.

He now opened her cunt and smiled at her.

I would imagen that this is as cherry as your ass was.

Velma panted.

Yes it is, And I plane to keep it that way as well.

He laughed and rolled her onto all 4's and fucked her hard.

Well don't worry I have all I want right here for now.

As he Fucked her balls deep he laughed. Velma panted and puffed under him and did her best to talk.

All this was about was to fuck me wasn't it?

You never had a problem to solve.

Like I said Velma you are a smart girl.

The only problem I even have is my wife would never let me fuck her ass. And I wanted it bad.

Well it looks like you got what you wanted then.

Velma laughed and when this happened she let a big fart.

Which made her laugh even more and with ever one she would fart even more.
As they both chucked and laughed they fucked on.
After about a half an hour he was now very close to his orgasm.
He was now wild with lust and fucking with a frenzy into Velma and she took it all with grunts of passion.
He now pulled his dick all the way from her gapping ass and it made wet PLOOB sounds.
Then he would slam back into her hard and she liked it.

Here it comes you Bitch.

Here it comes in your fucking ass.

He shoved in deep and Velma could feel the man cream fill her ass and ran down her wet pussy and onto the desk.
His brown stained spigman pooled in the open lips of her cunt and seeped into it and what did not lathered her copper colored curles. The desk top as well as the blanket were now socked in the ooze. That was some wild fucking girl.
Professor Dangle slipped from her ass with a wet PLOOP!

And took out a roll of TP from his desk and wiped off his dick then took fresh paper to whip off Velmas still up turned ass.

Well let me give you a pointer Velma on how to best deal with your new position as a assistant student.
You better learn to like sex and you can plan for lots of it.

The Professor seat at his desk and Velma slowly climbed off and got dressed.

The guys would be over soon so she needed to get ready to met them.

She was not sure how well her poor bottom was going to take a ride in the old Van seat tonight.
One thing for sure she was not going to have any problem taking a poop for a week at least.
How can people have sex like this all the time and still sit?

My bottom feels as big as a bucket.

Man I need a hot shower and get out these kinks.

Not all options lead onward. Some maybe dead ends if so go back
and choose another fate there are 14 more options/parts in all to the story.


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