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SCOOBY DOO DOJIN #9 Velma's Blog !!!!


Velma's Blog Choose your own ending


or go below and read the story with pix
and choose your own velma's blog fate.

#Opening~ #A~ #B~ #C~#The List~ #D
#Economics~ #Library~ #Health~ #Advanced calculus ~#English~
#Mascot ~#Boys' Gym Class~ #A Science Class~#Back to P.E.

Story and art by Doc Icenogle made December 2005
Posted November 30, 2006

Please let me know how you liked the story and art leave a note in the Forum or Guestbook.

Velma's Blog:




Public Blog

I found myself as the assistant to Miss Claptrap today.
The subject of the day was of the correct way to breast feeding and its rewards.

Personal Blog

After class Miss Claptrap told me she was quit taken by the manner in which I took and interest in her class and thought that maybe I could have a career in nursing.
And if I was willing she would like to test me a little further in the field.
Well I could not see what could be wrong in taking the test and having a better option of this as a miner when I was in collage soon.

Well Miss Claptrap informed me to remove my sweater and take a seat on her desk.
Well I was thinking as she was a nurse she was going to show me how to perform some of the basics of an examination.
But when she reached around me to unhook my bra I must say I was feeling a little unsure of how to act.
After she had my bra off she tossed it to the side and began to fondle my breast.

Yes there just as I thought perfect.

You where made for nursing Miss Dinkley.

She began to tug on my puffy nipples and twined them till there was a distinct hardness to them.

Miss.... Miss Claptrap.... Please will you stop?

Relax Velma your breast need to be trained and I am going to show you how it is done.

Once this was said I was shocked to watch as she popped one of my nipples into her mouth and she began to bit and suck on it hard. As she did this she played with the other nipple.
She pulled on it very haed and twisted it.
So much it made me cry out.
She pulled back off my nipple with a slurp.
It was swollen and dark red now.
And she laughed.

So there as sensitive as the are tasty.
Good I like them that way.
As they will better react to the vigorous training I plane for them.

She then bit my nipple and smiled, And then moved over to the other and popped it into her mouth.

Train me in what?

Nursing my dear what else.
When I am done.
You will produce as much milk as a jersey cow.

What are you talking about?

I have no interest in this sort of thing. It is gross and perverted.

Let me show you what I am talking about.

With this she then removed her top she was wearing nursing bra and unsnapped the tip that covered her large nipples.
As she tugged them milk began to ooze from them and then began to spray.
Her milk sprayed out from her nipples now and splashed my face.


That is so nasty.

I wiped my face and blushed.

Nasty in a nice way Velma.

Suck them.


She gabbed my hair and pulled my head to her nipples.

Suck them.

Suck Miss Claptraps nice nipples Velma.
Like a good girl.

I tried to push her away but she was very strong and pulled my hair hard and slapped down my hands.
With this she became very determent to feed me her milk.
As I tried my best to avoid her she then took my nose and pinched my nostrils shut.
I could not breath and when I had to gasp for air she forced in her nipple.

Suck it for me baby.
Momma needs a milking too.

As I tried to push it out with my tongue she laughed.

No suck baby not lick.

She took my cheeks between her fingers and squeezed my cheeks in and out.
This was with out my willingness forcing me to make a sucking action. And then her milk flowed into my mouth and dribbled from the corners of my mouth.


Pinching my nose again I had not much of choice and did so.

The milk was not as thick as cows milk.
But was so much sweeter and creamy.

That's it take in all for Mommy drink it all like a sweet little baby girl.

I did as I was told as I could not seam to find a way out of her grip.
As I sucked she unhooked my skirt and slipped off my panties. She removed the brest from my mouth and kissed my flushed face.

Now it is turn for the next part of your training.

Then she removed a small box she had in her drawer and placed it on the desk.
She removed from the box 2 small breast pumps that where hand controlled.

Jinkies! You have to be kidding me....

Now you just hush.

And then she placed them over my nipples and pumped them up on me so the suction held them in place.
The suction felt good.

As my nipples where drawn into the pumps cups I should see them sweating as they where under the pumps pressure and the clear plastic began to steam up on them.

She then Slipped one of her nipples back into my mouth she told me to suck it.

As I layed in her lap.

I must have dozed off when I woke back up 2 hours had passed and I was still sucking on her nipple.

Oh did my little girl wake up?

And look what you made for.

She removed the pumps from my breast and there was milk in them.

Not a lot only a few table spoons full but still I would have never thought I could have had any in me at all.

I must say I am very impressed with your response Velma.
I would have only thought that I would only get a few drops so soon from you.
But I am finding you are one exceptional student.
And if you decide to go further with your training I would have great plans for you.

Here now you may take these with you.

And if you wish to start I will expect you to wear them every night and to bring the results to me every morning.

So as I may study your progress as you advance in stages.

Miss Clap trap drank the milk from the pumps and then placed them back in the box and handed them to me.


So Sweet my dear.

Soon I would like to be drinking your milk straight from your nipples.

I have to say I was both aroused as well as grossed out by what she did.
But I did take the box she offered me.

In case I decided to persue this field furth at a future date.

Not all options lead onward. Some maybe dead ends if so go back
and choose another fate there are 14 more options/parts in all to the story.


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