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SCOOBY DOO DOJIN #9 Velma's Blog !!!!


Velma's Blog Choose your own ending


or go below and read the story with pix
and choose your own velma's blog fate.

#Opening~ #A~ #B~ #C~#The List~ #D
#Economics~ #Library~ #Health~ #Advanced calculus ~#English~
#Mascot ~#Boys' Gym Class~ #A Science Class~#Back to P.E.

Story and art by Doc Icenogle made December 2005
Posted November 30, 2006

Please let me know how you liked the story and art leave a note in the Forum or Guestbook.

Velma's Blog:




Public Blog

I had no classes so I was issued to the Library to assist Miss Chaste.

Personal Blog

Miss Chastity Chaste.

She is like something from a Disney cartoon.
All smiles and laughs and her voice is so positive and upbeat.

It's gross.

Well we spent most of the day filling micro film.
And when we where finished.
She decides to show me how the other half lives.

I found myself in her cramped little office and her talking her stupid crap.

Oh it must be so exciting being a bad girl Velma.
I would have never known you where a bad girl until I read your repost from your Gym class.
How you exposed yourself to the class like that. Letting them all see your Whoo Ha like that.
You are a bad girl.
Shame on you Velma.

Then she started giggling about it.
And fanning herself like she was over heating.

How could you do that?
I wish I could do that.

Oppsy! Earth to goody girl did you say that?

And she laughed and blushed.

I have always wanted to be a bad girl as well.
But I never had the nerve, Or the chance to do so.
As I never knew any bad girls to show me how.
But I have had fantasy about it and now Velma thanks to you.

I am going to finally be a bad girl.

What do you mean with my help you are going to be a bad girl?

Well you are a nasty girl and so I am sure you would not mind being nasty with me.

After all look at me who would not want to be nasty with me?

She giggles again.

And besides you have to.

And what makes you say that?

This letter from the Bigdicker tells me that if I am not satisfied with you to let him know and he would have you come in for the proper punishment.
And that could me something posted on your permanent record.

She then stuck her tongue at me.

So there.

Oh great I was being held hostage by Rainbowbright.

And I had a feeling I was going to end up in a few moments with my mouth full of her pubs before I knew what was happening.

Now I want you to watch me as I undress for you.
She did a very lousy strip show for me giggling all the way.
Well she removed her skirt and panties anyway.
She still had on her blouse and garter belt and stockings.
I have to say I did love her undies.
The black and pink stockings where so cute on her.
And her orange pubs where trimmed in a nice heart shape that was very sexy as well.

Do you like my Whoo Ha Velma?

Don't you find it sexy?

She leaned onto her desk and opened her legs a little.

Would you like to see it better?

Not really.

I can see it fine from here.

No Velma you have to get in closer.

If I am going to be a bad girl you have to let me.

And I cant be bad with out you being closer.

Ok ok!


I sat on the floor in front of her.

No closer.

Smell it for me Velma.

I moved it closer and she open her pussy.





What have you been doing?

You reek!

She giggled.

I know!

I was told that you where going to be in my class. So I have not washed my seld down there for the last 4 days now.

Aren't I a bad girl?

Bad? no!

Nasty? Yes!

Come on Velma smell it for me and tell me I am bad.

Oh you are bad alright and I don't have to smell you to tell that.
In fact you stink.


You have to smell it.



She began to have a hissy fit.

I want you too.

Hey Miss Chastity Chaste.

Fuck Off You Stink.

I am going to tell on you then.

Be my guest.

Alright I will.

She grabbed the phone.

Could I speak to Mr.Bigdicker?

Mr. Bigdicker Velma is in my class today and she is not being fair with me.
I ask her to do something and she refused.

Here he wants to speak with you.




I know.


I remember what you said.


Yeah But she is asking me too....



Well have it your way then.

Velma passed the phone to Chastity.
As she took the phone she finished her chat with the principle.


You know what you have to do.

I scooted onto the floor.

It looks like every thing is fine now with her.

Thank you.

She hung the phone up and smiled at me.

See I told you I was bad.

Now smell my pussy.

I leaned in and smelled it and it made my head jerk back out of its own reflex.

Smell it some more.

As I sniffed my eyes watered from it.

Lets see I what all have I done have not changed my undies and I went to the gym every day for 2 hours a day and walked to every where when I peed I did not wipe I let it air dry and I fingered my self a lot so its all stick with my cram from the last 4 days. I have wiped my backside but I never washed it either.

Much more of this and I was going to barf right in her pussy.

Am I a bad girl or what?

No don't stop Velma you can sniff my pussy as you talk.

Am I a bad girl?

I was getting buzzed from the smell of her dirty pussy.

Very Bad.

Do you think I should be spanked for being bad?


Yes anything to get out of her nasty stink pot.

Though I have to say I was becoming strangely aroused by the musky sent.
Probably some hidden primal urge that that was stirred by her stink.
That had at one time spelled sex.

Well I am about to be bader.

Lick it!





You are one sick and crazy woman you know that?

That is not only nasty it is not healthy.

And you are going to lick it for me.

I am not!

Come on please!


I will call Mr.Bigdicker.

Will you stop saying that?

But I will if you don't.

I look at her with my best mean look.


I will lick yours if you do.

What makes you think I want you to do that?

Come on every one likes that.

Don't you?

Well.... Yes I have it done once and it was very nice.

Well I will do it for you.


You want to spank me for being bad?

I want to kick your butt for being bad.

If you do what I want I will not only lick your pussy but you can spank me as well.

I looked at her and thought it over better.

Well I was trying to hold out and only bluff her out of calling about this.
And if she called my bluff I was going to eat her if only to keep her from the phone.
But this way it was going to put me in a little more control and I would get my pussy licked and I was getting very horny as it was.



Neat o!

Now lick my pussy Velma.

I opened her pussy and hold my breath and stuck my tongue to her pussy.

It was not that bad.

Sure it was salty and well sort of moldy like a mushroom but not at all what I thought I would be like eating her.
I was looking more for it to taste like rotted cabbage and poop in fact.
As I licked her more it started to have a new flavor with the fresh flow of pussy juices.

Her pussy had a nicer smell to it as well now.

I don't know if it was from the fresh creamy flow or I had licked away all of the last 4 days worth of stink but I was starting to enjoy myself in her pussy.

Oh Velma you are a nasty girl.

Look at you eating my dirty pussy.

Now I think it is time for you to punish me for being such a nasty girl.

Oh great!

I was finally really having fun and now she wants me to stop and spank her.

Well the idea of her eating my pussy did make it sound more fun.


So you want your ass spanked for being a bad girl?

Oh I will spank your ass for you.

Get your ass over the desk.

Come on.

Chastity Chaste bent over the desk.

So you think it is funny to make me eat your dirty pussy do you?


Oh not so hard.

Not so hard.
I will show you hard.

I slapped her again.

Please Stop!

Stop my ass.


I shook my hand and put it under my arm. This really was hurting me more then it was her I think.

I looked around and found a yard stick.

Now I will will show you.


She tried to get up and I held her to the desk.

Oh no you don't.

Make me your bad girl will you?

Make me eat your dirty pussy?


I will wear this yard stick out on your ass before I am done with you.

She was kicking and crying.
Though I think she was faking it some in fact I think she was enjoying it even more.
I was getting a little pissed at the idea she was having all the pleasure.
Well that was not all true I sort of liked spanking her.
But I wanted what was said I would have.


You nasty ass bitch.
I think you should be eating my pussy for a change don't you?

As I scooted onto the desk I pushed off every thing on it.


Don't knock off my papers.

Oh to bad bad girl you can clean later.

But now you are going to lick my pussy.

With that I then said for her climb on here with me on the desk.

Now then I opened my legs.

Now bad girl lick it.

She leaned in and ran her tongue over my copper curles.

No bad girl I think I want it like this.

I scooted down on the desk and opened my cheeks.
I am not going to do that.

I said I would lick your pussy.

Well I am telling you I don't care.

you want to be a bad girl you better be ready to act like one.

Now like my nasty hole.

I mean my asshole.

I smacked her ass with the yard stick.

Lick my shithole nasty girl.

No smell it first.

That's right smell my asshole.

As she smelled it I farted.
She jumped back.


Now you stick your nose back in there and sniff that fart if you know what is good for you.

Who is the one giggling now bitch?

I swatted her ass.

And she pouted but leaned in and started smelling my fart.
I farted again and laughed that's it bad girl suck up that nasty odor.

Now lick it!

Her tongue flicked at my asshole and tickled it.


Keep licking!

After about 15 minutes of this I figured my pussy could could use some of that tongue on it as I could not hold out much longer with out it.

So fed her my pussy for the next hour.
After I had 2 orgasms and she had 4 from me spanking her as she ate me.
I found a vase on a cabinet and made her use it as a make shift dildo and made her fuck herself in the ass with it as I watched.

I have to admit even if it was still not as much fun as being with a man.
This will be something I will have to try again and again.

Not all options lead onward. Some maybe dead ends if so go back
and choose another fate there are 14 more options/parts in all to the story.


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